Mount Calvary Baptist Association Congress of Christian Education
Meet The Officers

Rev. Dr. Ralph Huling, President

Rev. James York, Vice President

Rev. Dr. Robert M.
Dickerson, Jr, Dean

Rev. Charles Graddick, Assistant Dean

Christine Pough, Secretary
Assitant Secretary
Congress Information
Information and Date of CLS - (classes/courses)
The Mount Calvary Association offers four opportunities annually for parent churches in the surrounding area to participate in Christian-based study. The Association sponsor Christian Leadership Schools during the months of April, July, September, and November. Schools are structured in accordance to the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc. Sunday School Publishing Board guidelines. Our schools are certified by the Sunday School Publishing Board and are led by a certified Dean of Christian Education, and classes are taught by certified instructors who have been certified by the Sunday School Publishing Board.
Information About Congress of Christian Education
The Mount Calvary Association Congress of Christian Education has operated a certified Christian Education Leadership School for well over 16 years.
Reverend Chad Bryant - The first certified school occurred under the leadership of Reverend Chad Bryant who was the first certified Dean of Mt. Calvary Baptist Association. Reverend Bryant would serve as Dean of the Mt. Calvary Association until 2002.
Reverend Dr. Marcus Gibson - Assumed the role of Dean in August of 2002 and would become certified in 2005. Reverend Gibson would serve as Dean until August 2016. Under Reverend Gibson's leadership, Mount Calvary would grow tremendously in the area of Christian Education. He instated four additional opportunities for Certified Leadership Schools by implementing what is now the Quarterly CLS program. With this program in place, now individuals were afforded five opportunities locally to take certified classes. This would accelerate the number of individuals becoming certifiable and then certified to teach certified classes at the local, state, and national level. There was a growth in the number of Certificate of Progress Program (COPP) classes offered. Dean Gibson was also instrumental in assisting several individuals become certified Deans as well as assisting local associations in certifying schools for their local Congress of Christian Education.
Deacon Keith W. Mitchell - Appointed Dean in August of 2016, taking over the reigns of the Congress of Christian Education from Reverend Gibson. Deacon Mitchell would expand the offerings of certified classes and would work to bring national-level classes to Mt. Calvary. Those classes were Rethinking Christian Education, which is a required course for all certified instructors to maintain certification and the other class was the Pastor Alternative Certification Training class, which is an accelerated class for Pastors to become certifiable to teach certified leadership classes. Dean Mitchell has worked to introduce alternative options for offering Christian Leadership Schools. He partnered with two local churches to offer a school during their joint Vacation Bible School. Deacon Mitchell has continued to push to get more certifiable instructors and has continued Reverend Gibson’s legacy of assisting individuals to become certified deans.
Information and Listing of Christian Education Faculty and Staff
The following individuals provide the needed support to assure for an effective and efficient Christian Education Program:
Congress President - Rev. Dr. Ralph Huling
Congress Vice President - Rev. James York Jr.
Congress Secretary/Registar - Sis. Christine Pough
Congress Asst. Secretary -
Registration - Sis. Katie Harris
Registration -
Finance Coordinator - Sis Ida Ford
Certified Dean - Rev. Dr. Robert Dickerson (Certified Dean and Instructor)
Director of Children & Youth Curriculum: Sis. Adrie Buchner-Johnson
Director of Children & Youth -
School Processor -
​The Certificate of Progress Program (COPP) is one of the certification programs offered from the Christian Leadership School Program and is for those individuals interested in becoming certifiable to teach, becoming a Certified Dean of Christian Education, or just want to further their study and receive a Christian Education Diploma. COPP provides a structured class format divided into four phases. Students are enrolled into the COPP Program by a certified dean of records. The Dean of Records coordinates and guides the student’s progression through the four phases. Individuals interested in COPP must do so under the guidance of a certified dean.
Another Christian Leadership School Program being offered is the Pastor’s Alternative for Teacher Certification (PATC) Program. This program was developed to assist pastors to meet the requirements toward becoming certifiable to teach by taking in account the training and experience of pastors. This program is designed around a 12 hours training curriculum, allowing pastors to become certifiable to teach at a quicker pace.
Rev. Dr. Robert Dickerson is the Certified Dean of the Mount Calvary Baptist Association and can be reached by email at robertdickerson524@gmail.com.
6 All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17 so that the man or woman of God may be fully capable, equipped for every good work.
- 2 Timothy 3:16-17